

Name & Contact data

Kunststofftechnik Grabher Gmbh

Owner Helmut Schneider

Alemannenstrasse 19

AT-6973 Höchst
Tel: +43 5578 72453 0
Fax: +43 5578 72453 5

E-Mail: office(at)ks-technik.at


Company register number and company register court:

Nr. 218018s, Landesgericht Feldkirch


Sales tax identification number:

ATU 53557002


Privacy Policy:

Kunststofftechnik Grabher Gmbh objects to the commercial use and disclosure of the data. The data on the website of ks-technik.at may only be stored and processed by customers, project intermediaries and clients.

Area of Responsibility:
The imprint applies to all domains of the website of Kunststofftechnik Grabher Gmbh.

The web presence is part of the WWW and accordingly linked to external websites that can change at any time, which are therefore not subject to this area of responsibility and to which the following information does not apply. That the links do not violate morals or laws was checked exactly once: before they were included here.

Purpose of this web project: offer of services and products, support

Journalistic-editorial responsibility: Kunststofftechnik Grabher Gmbh, Helmut Schneider, Alemannenstrasse 19, AT-6973 Höchst

Copyright and use
Kunststofftechnik Grabher Gmbh grants you the right of use to make a private copy for personal purposes. However, you are not entitled to change and/or pass on the materials or to publish them yourself. If not explicitly stated otherwise, the copyrights for texts are held by: Kunststofftechnik Grabher Gmbh

Most illustrations are subject to the copyrights of: Kunststofftechnik Grabher Gmbh

Data protection
Personal data is only collected with your knowledge and consent. Upon request, you will receive free information about the personal data stored about you. For this purpose, please contact: technik(at)ks-technik.at

No liability
The contents of this web project have been carefully checked and created to the best of our knowledge. But for the information presented here is no claim to completeness, timeliness, quality and accuracy. No responsibility can be assumed for damages resulting from reliance on the contents of this website or its use. Typesetting and printing errors and mistakes excepted.

Infringement of property rights
If you suspect that a property right is being infringed by this website, please notify us immediately by electronic mail so that a remedy can be found quickly. Please note: The more time-consuming involvement of a lawyer to issue a warning notice at the service provider's expense does not correspond to the latter's real or presumed intention.

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